Anne Z’s Story
Tennis pro, Pickleball pro, 25-year eBay seller, YouTube creator, Barbra Streisand fan, and Disneyland lover. That’s me in a nutshell, however, I am also a filmmaker, book publisher, photographer, sports fan, and Apple aficionado. I’ve built websites over the years and have been earning money with affiliate marketing too! I have so many interests, they are hard to keep track of!
I’d Like to Help You Become an Affiliate Marketer
I’ve published some books, I’ve made some movies, I’ve taught instructional online courses and I’ve sold a lot of stuff. Whenever possible, I put affiliate links into the mix. I’ve received some free stuff and earned money and services along the way. I have learned from many of the best affiliate marketers out there and continue to do so! I draw from all my various experiences and interests to help you make MONEY with affiliate marketing. Here is a link to one of my websites about selling online called THE ABC’S OF SELLING ONLINE. Check it out!
Here’s the Deal
I always want to make more money online. And I want you to make more money online, too. The best way is to sell physical stuff (using eBay, Poshmark, Etsy, Craig’s List, and other marketplaces) or earn money from affiliate links. I have recommended lots of programs and products to thousands of folks like you! Let’s do this together. I will share my successes with you and let you know where I’ve failed as well. As they say, this is not rocket science. I am a real online seller. I am an affiliate marketer. I am a real person, Anne Z, and I want to help you succeed! I’m excited to start our journey together!
The Place to Start
I am so confident that you and I can make more money this coming year with affiliate links, I want to share my latest review with you for Wealthy Affiliate. I have been taking the training lessons every day and have found that I have gained so much knowledge already. Click here to see my review!
If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to answer.
All the best,
Anne Zarraonandia